CoVE Catalonia

CoVEs description

The Cove from Catalonia is composed by XX full members and some associate members. The General Council of Chambers of Commerce is the leader and the other partners are the Consorci per a la Formació Professional de l'Automòbil (Consortiun for Automobile VET and the ministry of Economy, through the Direction of Economic Promotionm regulation and competition, which is in charge of the RIS development in Catalonia RIS3CAT.

The Council of Chambers of Commerce federates the 13 Chambers of Commerce of the region ant through them is connected to all the companies in Catalonia. It has a legal atribution to participate in VET, specially in identifying skills needs. It is in charge of the IT solution that administers all intenrships and placements and by this is connected to al de vVET providers, Enterprises offering training, students and the education authorities and the employment ones.

CFPA was created to administer a VET center to provide skills solutions to the automobile cluster in Catalonia, Automobile industry is one of the main sectors of catalan industry and is constantly adapting to new trends and necessities (Electric and autonomous cars and other mobility solutions).

The Economy Ministry is in charge of budget and the economic promotion and is responsibel of the administration of regional european funds not directly related to the PAC.


The catalan COVE has the mission of improving the detection of industry skills needs trough digital innnovations to provide recomendations that can adapt the offer and design of curricula.

In adition it will design improvements to engage more enterprises in VET both as trainers and transmissors of new trends that will derive in future needs.

Finally it will deal with CSR items to enhance enterprise participations in VET.


CoVEs Field of expertise 

CoVEs Strong Points  

Relation with all the elements dfining a COVE boths at strategic level and managing:


Consell General de Cambres de Comerç de Catalunya - Leader of the CoVE in Catalonia

CGCCC is the federation of Chambers of Commerce of Catalonia. Chambers provide training for working people and also provide services for young unemployed under EU Guarentee Programme. People trained is over 15.000 per year.

By law they participate in the VET system specially in relation with internships, work placements and the like.

The  CGCCC Administers the platform that serves all stays of students in companies from generating all the official documents to train tutors, follow the activities of students and assessing the quality of the activities. The ecosystem that participates in this iniatitive is 1000 Vet Providers, 30000 Companies and 60000 students. 

Person in charge for CoVE in the leader organization

Narcis Bosch

