CoVE Reggio Emilia

CoVEs description

The COVE of Reggio Emilia is composed of "actors", who, on the basis of their specificities, already work together for the improvement of the quality, relevance and efficiency of the training and educational offer.

Partners of CIS, coordinator of the cove are: University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Municipality of Reggio Emilia, internationalisation area, the company Kohler Lombardini and COMAU.


 The Cove coordinated by CIS, as a driver of innovation and change, is aimed at the creation of a training and educational ecosystem of excellence at its different levels (EQF 4,5,6), in collaboration with the economic system and the main regional, national and international stakeholders in view of the development of greater employability (youth and adults), economic growth and social inclusion  


Considering the specificities of the territory and the industrial settors of Reggio Emilia, COVE will focus on accompanying the educational and training system and th economic system to face the challenges of digital transformation/transition, responding to the emerging needs for skills for innovation.The innovation trajectories are aimed at: creating an alliance of local actors, which in line with regional smart specialisation strategies, develops a culture of innovation, anticipates skills needs, creates new and international curricula and qualifications, adopts new pedagogical approaches within the training processes  

CoVEs Field of expertise 

CoVEs Strong Points  


CIS- Leader of the CoVE Reggio Emilia

CIS is a VET provider, leader in Reggio Emilia for training in the industrial system, in an area highly competitive on a national scale in terms of exports, technological specialisation and R&D. It is the the training and consultancy company of Unindustria Reggio Emilia, the association of entrepeneurs that reprapresents around 900 manufacturing enterprises (involving approximately 41,000 workers). CIS supports thethe economic and social development of the territory working in collaboration with indindustry, secondary schools, universities and research centres, and public administration. To reach its objobiectives, CIS plans, organises and supplies training for both the young and workers to support young uneunemployed to entry the labour market, adapting the skills of workers to technological and organisational chachanges and to requalify adult workers in order to reinsert them back into the labour market.

CIS has great expertise in managing EU funded projects (Erasmus+, KA2, KA3). The participation in Erasmus+ projects has the goal of: increasing the quality of training provision in terms of curriculum development, (anticipating the skills needs by the labour market) cooperation with the educational system and enterprises, CPD of teachers and trainers, develop enterprises’ internalisation and digitalisation CIS and Unindustria are promotors of the “Meccatronic Club”. The club represents entrepreneurs, managers, technicians, university professors and researchers of 75 enterprises and organisations. CIS has recently designed and coordinated the first R&D manager masters course for mechatronic enterprises and the first inter-regional map of R&D laboratories in Italy CIS is one of the actuators of the plan launched by Confindustria Emilia Romagna Towards Industry 4.0, a programme of assistance for enterprises in the process of strategic growth and repositioning of sectors and productive systems through the adoption of the Industry 4.0 approach. 

Person in charge for CoVE in the leader organization

Rossella Brindani

Head of the International Area

Francesca Sorbi

General Manager of CIS

Anna Balboni

Responsible of HTTC 

Claudio Dondi

Senior Expert in Education and Training
